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Life In Limbo, Law Society Gazette
SL5's Catherine Bond named Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year
A good day in court for the Parole Board by Andrew Sperling - Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
Lost in the Criminal Justice System, Byline Times
Andrew Sperling interviewed on LBC radio about the Tracey Connelly case
A long thread about the Parole Board decision in Tracey Connelly's case, Andrew Sperling
Indeterminate Sentences, Law Society Gazette
Darrell and Darren Roberts: sister of twins at risk of deportation talks of ‘constant fear’
The IPP sentence is a national scandal
Cardiff man given 'life sentence by back door' for phone theft, BBC
Boris Johnson's Jacuzzi Justice, Byline Times
Time for change Sex offender work in prison: fit for purpose? Inside Time
Parole decisions reconsidered – New mechanism may lead to a rocky road ahead - Inside Time
Parole Answers, Converse News
When is a review not a review? Inside Time
Unlawful Legal Aid cuts, Inside Time
We need to talk about sex
Liz Truss should be brave and release prisoners on indefinite sentences, The Guardian
The Parole Board questionnaire results, Inside Time
Parole in the brave new world, Inside Time
Representing yourself at your Parole Review, Inside Time
Another blow by the don’t care society, Inside Time
Managing risk, Inside Time
Justice at a junction, Inside Time