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Emma McClure

Prison Law Solicitor

Emma is experienced in representing clients at paper and oral parole hearings, Category A reviews and Judicial Review.

Emma McClure, Prison Law Solicitor

Emma is a prison law solicitor who is particularly experienced in representing clients at paper and oral parole hearings, Category A reviews and Judicial Review. She is based in the northwest but is able to assist clients nationwide.


She is passionate about robustly representing the interests of prisoners in the face of negative recommendations and has a track record of success before the Parole Board in cases where there is no professional support for progression.


Emma also has a particular interest in assisting those with mental health needs and/ or those who have been detained under the Mental Health Act during their sentence.


Emma is autistic herself and this gives her a unique perspective and understanding when assisting neurodiverse clients.


Emma is a former co-chair of Young Legal Aid Lawyers, an organisation which campaigns for a sustainable legal aid sector, promotes the interest of new entrants into the profession and advocates social mobility and diversity in the sector. 


Emma regularly engages in public speaking, with a focus on education of the general public on criminal justice topics including the workings of the Parole Board. She is regularly invited to appear on national and international podcasts to discuss these topics. Most recently, she spoke at Coventry Skeptics in the Pub. She was also invited to speak about human rights at the QED Conference in Manchester in October 2022.


In what is left of her spare time, Emma enjoys running and boring other people about how much she enjoys running.

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